(604) 742-0702 info@lifeintegrative.ca

Meet Dr. Sarah Harbottle, ND

I’m a naturopathic doctor, mother of four, previous lawyer, and your chief cheerleader.

Listen, I GET it. Trust me. I’ve been there.

I know you want to have massive impact in your life, at home and in your career. And I know that you are all things to all people.

You’re tired, running on fumes, feeling ‘off’. You’ve noticed changes with your hormones, your weight, your mood, your sleep…

Here’s where I come in. Together, let’s uncover the root of the issue, the WHY. I don’t want you to just feel “fine”. I want you to feel amazing.

If you want to have impact and show up for those in your life, you’re going to first need to show up for YOURSELF. Unapologetically.

So let’s start.

Wherever you are in your life – climbing the corporate ladder, raising small humans, peri-menopausal (or let’s be honest, a combo of all of it!) – I can help you feel your best.


Clinical focus:

  • Burnout
  • Hormone health
  • Weight loss
  • Digestive health
  • Pregnancy support
  • Postpartum care
  • Fertility care
  • Nutritional support

(604) 742-0702


4168 Dunbar Street Vancouver BC V6S 2E7